Dr. Arne Hütte
Attorney and Notary, Partner
Dr. Arne Hütte is an Attorney and Notary. He is experienced in a broad range of real estate, corporate and commercial law matters. He understands and works in these fields from an attorney’s as well as from a notary’s perspective. He specializes in all kinds of real estate matters, corporate legal matters including German and international M&A transactions, and matters of succession. Another key focus is international private law.
Before joining HÜTTE Rechtsanwälte as a partner more than 10 years ago, Dr. Arne Hütte had been working as an attorney at the German law firm Gleiss Lutz for several years.
- Der Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz im deutschen und französischen Recht der Personengesellschaften (Shaker Verlag 2003, Hütte)
- Kapitalmarktrechtliche Aspekte des deutschen REIT (in NZG 2007, S. 332, Götze/Hütte)
Education and Lectureships
- Universities of Freiburg and Munich: German law
- University of Grenoble, France: French law
- University of Munich: Dr. iur.
- University of Cambridge, UK: Master of Law
- University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), France: Lecturer for German corporate and commercial law
- University of Cologne: Lecturer for German civil law
Memberships and currently held offices